Roland Vs-880 User Manual Page 4

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C:\Program Files\Reaper\Plugins
Reaper should not be running while you do this.
3. Open Reaper and choose "Open Project..." from the File menu and select your song file. It
will be located in your "C:\test" folder. The song file will look something like "SONG.VR5."
The song will then be rendered into Reaper as a number of tracks each populated with the
appropriate events. You should be able to play the encoded media directly in Reaper.
4. You are almost done. At this point, to render your track(s) to .wavs, just select File > Render
and then select the options you want. For example:
Use MONO if you will be rendering individual mono tracks. Use STEREO if you will be
rendering a 2 track stereo mix.
Resample mode: Use the one that best fits what you need. I will always use HIGH
QUALITY... but that's just me.
Render Entire Project: Use that when you want the tracks to be rendered from the START
of the song to the END.
Render Custom: Use that for a specified track length.
Output file: This is where your file(s) will be stored when the conversion is done. You can
change that to whatever location you desire.
Render Master Mix: This is for rendering a complete 2 track stereo master of your mix.
Render stems: This is for rendering individual tracks separately.
Add items to new tracks in project when finished: This will take your newly rendered
tracks and insert them into your existing project for further editing if you want.
Output format: Use this feature to select the desired rendered format. You can set it to
mp3s, wavs, etc...
WAV bit depth: You can set this to 16 bit, 24 bit or 32 bit floating.
After you make your desired selections, press ENTER or RENDER. The tracks will now be
rendered to wavs or whatever you set it to. When done, go to the output file to see your
newly converted tracks.
Now wasn't that easy? It really is easy after you get everything initially setup. Once everything is
downloaded and set up, it's a piece of cake to render your files.
Exporting Roland VS Files to Your PC
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