Roland Vs-880 Owner's Manual Page 11

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VS-880 Application Guide
Summary of VS-880
You might want to review the following summary of
specific VS-880 terminology. Even though you will
not need to memorize all these items, it will be
extremely helpful to at least be exposed to the
terminology before you encounter it in context
throughout all VS-880 Manuals. A more extensive
glossary of terms is included at the end of the
Appendix section of this manual and will serve to
familiarize you with many of the general terms used
in audio recording.
Auto Punch
The ability for the VS-880 to Punch Into and Out of
Record automatically based on locations that you
Aux Send
An auxiliary signal path normally used to route the
signal from a recorded track to an internal or external
effects processor device. (Reverb, EQ, delay, etc.)
To stop in the middle of a command. To instruct the
VS-880, “No, I don’t want to do that.”
CH Edit
The button used to select a channel or track for
Channel Link
To link two channels together so they respond as a
stereo pair.
To erase or remove. e.g. To clear a locator point.
The line, blinking area, or highlighted box that
indicates your current location within a screen
display or menu. Also refers to actual buttons on the
VS-880 front panel.
DAT Backup
The ability to store your completed song on an audio
DAT tape as a ‘backup’ in case something goes
wrong with your hard disk.
Dat Recover
The ability to recall your completed song from an
audio DAT tape and load it into your VS-880 so it can
be played, re-edited, added to, etc.
Digital In
The VS-880 input that will accept a digital signal
such as a DAT or CD.
Digital Out
The VS-880 output that will send a digital signal
from the VS-880 to some other external digital
The LCD screen located in the top of the right hand
section of the VS-880. Used to display important
information to the user such as information about the
present recording, edit commands, and song
Pre Level
The audio signal level before it enters the front panel
fader control. Fader movement will not affect the
signal level.
Post Level
The audio signal level after it exits the front panel
fader. Fader movement will affect the signal level.
Play List
The play list is the complete set of instructions built
by you during editing to tell the VS-880 what tracks
and recordings to play and when to play them.
The fader is the linear volume control for each
channel on the front panel. The pan control is a
rotary knob used to position a mono audio signal
within a two channel stereo field.
Amp Profile
The amplitude profile is a visual representation of
the audio signal presented as vertical bars in the LCD
Any change made to an original recording. For
Example, if a small section is erased from the original
recording, that is an edit. Copying one section of a
song to another part is an edit.
Effect 1 & 2
Effects are sound modifiers applied to an audio
signal to change the sound in some way. For
example, digital reverb is an effect. Changing the
relative balance of treble and bass with an equalizer
is an effect. Effect 1 & 2 may refer to internal effects
using the optional VS8F-1 or external effects.
The same as YES or OK.
EQ High
High frequency equalization boosts or lowers the
perceived loudness of treble (high) frequencies. The
VS-880 High EQ can affect frequencies from 500 Hz
to 18 kHz.
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